Activewear for women - Limited edition leggings

Art of Leggings

Women activewear Corner
Our activewear Series redefine Fitness Street Fashion with a blend of performance, elegance and style. Our leggings, tops and shorts cater to the active woman who values Street culture, Quiet elegance and a Wabi French touch. 


 Leggings Limited Editions
Whether you are mastering yoga poses, hitting the gym, ready for a surfing day, enjoying a meditation session or just a casual day out, our limited edition leggings will move with you.

Activewear for women - Limited edition Leggings and tops

Just dropped 

Latest releases 


Activewear for women - Grey Leggings with tribal tattoos - Black Sport Bra - Limited Editions

The Collection

Activewear black yoga leggings  with dragon tattoo -  Limited edition
Activewear yoga leggings  with graffiti design -  Limited edition
Activewear yoga leggings with tribal design African Wax inspired -  Limited edition

Leggings African Wax Tribute
Too late..

Community reviews  
" We thank all inspiring women who purchased our limited editions! We didn't expect this so soon and from all over the world . We are blown!
Welcome to the famous tribe. keep doing you! "  Here what some of the holders of our limited edition leggings are saying:


All our designs are copyrighted and recorded on the Web3 blockchain.
All the transactions and orders are recorded on the blockchain to make our limited series unique and to fight counterfeits